Internet is the future of filmmaking

Oct 09, 2018
The Future Of Filmmaking



As a filmmaker, I have encountered my fair share of setbacks and challenges throughout my career. In a recent video, I shared my personal experience of facing rejection for funding and the subsequent decision to explore alternative avenues for producing my work. Today, I want to delve deeper into my thoughts on the future of the film industry and how it is evolving into a global and online market. Despite the difficulties, I remain optimistic, believing that film can become a platform around which events and campaigns are built to generate income.

Embracing Setbacks as Opportunities

In the video, I shared my own setback of having my funding application turned down. It was disheartening at first, but it also served as a catalyst for change. Instead of dwelling on the disappointment, I took a moment to reset and reassess my approach. Setbacks are inevitable in the creative process, but it is important not to let them discourage us from pursuing our passions. Instead, we should embrace these challenges as opportunities to innovate and find new ways to bring our stories to life.

Persistence in the Face of Rejection

One key takeaway from the video is the importance of persistence. Repeated rejection can be demoralizing, but it should not deter us from following our creative pursuits. Filmmaking requires unwavering determination and resilience. For every closed door, there may be another waiting to open. It is crucial to keep pushing forward, refining our craft, and seeking alternative paths to realize our visions.

The Shifting Landscape of the Film Industry

The video also touched upon the evolving nature of the film industry. We are witnessing a shift towards a more digital, online-focused future. With the advent of streaming platforms and social media, filmmakers now have a global audience at their fingertips. This presents both opportunities and challenges. On one hand, it allows for greater accessibility and exposure. On the other hand, it poses the challenge of monetization in an increasingly saturated market.

Film as a Platform for Events and Campaigns

To overcome the financial challenges posed by the online landscape, I propose viewing film as a platform around which events and campaigns can be built. By integrating immersive experiences, interactive elements, and unique marketing strategies, filmmakers can create additional revenue streams. Imagine film screenings accompanied by live performances, panel discussions, or exclusive merchandise. By thinking outside the box, we can generate income while also providing audiences with unforgettable experiences.

Engaging the Community

In conclusion, the future of the film industry is undoubtedly changing. It is up to us, as filmmakers, to adapt and embrace these changes. I encourage all viewers to actively engage in this discussion. Share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences in the comments section below. Let's create a community that supports and uplifts one another on this journey. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for future updates and join us as we navigate the exciting and ever-evolving world of filmmaking.

Final Thoughts

Facing rejection and setbacks is a natural part of the creative process. Embrace them as opportunities for growth and innovation. Persist in pursuing your dreams, even in the face of repeated rejection. The film industry is shifting towards a global and online market, presenting new challenges and opportunities. View film as a platform for events and campaigns, finding innovative ways to generate income. Engage with the community, share your ideas, and stay connected. Together, let's shape the future of filmmaking and pave a path of creativity and success.

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